I am up
bright and
early this morning. It seems this has been the trend every morning this week since the hubby has had to be at work by 06:00 every morning. This morning he told me to stay in bed, not to get up with him, but I feel bad if I don't wake up with him. We started doing this when we first got married because we lives
so far from base that he wouldn't get home until eight or nine some nights. Thus our morning breakfast and coffee ritual. I do have to say though that it is much harder to do when it is 45minutes earlier than normal and when you are so hopped up on hormones you can't see straight. I can see an end coming to this morning ritual of ours :/
Okay, have any of you ever had a trigger shot? It is basically a shot of HCG that forces your body to ovulate. This is the second time I have had it but it was a different type that the one I got the first time around. The one I got on round 4 of Clomid the nurse put it my arm, not a good idea, my arm hurt for a week. Plus, I was allergic to the band aid she used and I still have a mark on my arm from it seven weeks later. No biggie, I just have a band aid shaped birth mark haha. Other than my arm hurting and the band aid mark I really didn't have any side effects. I wish I had written down the name of it. Anyway, The one from Wednesday has messed me up. The first thing that was hard is that I had to give it to myself. No big deal right? I have been giving myself shots everyday for the last three weeks. Nope, wrong! My Follistim needles are super small and go in super easy, it doesn't hurt at all. The HCG shot was a normal shot and it took me two tries to get it right, leaving two bruises on my already black and blue tummy. Yesterday was the fun part, exhaustion set in and my body freaked out. Keep in mind that until last cycle it hadn't ovulated in about a year or so. Last cycle there was only one mature follicle and two that weren't quite ready. This time around we had one fully mature follicle, 4 semi-mature follicles and 20-30 follicles that were around 4mm (mature is 18mm). Let me tell ya, its painful.
Today my goal is to make it through the day. I need to finish straitening up the house, there are two loads of laundry to be done, I have one side left of a duffel bag to finish, I need to mail that duffel bag out, hit the gym (just to ride the bike (:), then to the fabric store and possible to my husbands unit change of command. Not too bad for one day except it all has to be done by noon! Wish me luck and say a little prayer for me! Don't forget to let me know what your prayer requests are or share praise reports! I know this blog is all about me but I want to share in your joys and sorrows too!
Have a blessed day!
<3, Allie