Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday Praise Report

A Life Courageous

Happy Sunday everyone! How was your week? Any God sightings this week? I know it was a great week for me!! You all know that I got to see my little follicle three times this last week, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday! By Wednesday it was the right size! I am so excited that Wednesday was the last day I had to give myself shots! My poor black and blue belly could use a break! Matt and I have also made it through five days of our 16 day wait! Only 11 more days to go until we find out if this baby is sticking! I really hope it does!

Yesterday was the best! Hubby and I had a lazy day which we haven't done in a long time. We just did whatever we felt like doing when we felt like doing it! We didn't get dressed and leave the house until after three! It was awesome! I also got booked for a birthday party next Saturday which I am so excited about! A mom and her two children are celebrating their birthday's together and I get to capture the moments and make a little extra money! 

I would love for you to link up and share your praise report!

<3, Allie

Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday Fun Day?

I am up bright and early this morning. It seems this has been the trend every morning this week since the hubby has had to be at work by 06:00 every morning. This morning he told me to stay in bed, not to get up with him, but I feel bad if I don't wake up with him. We started doing this when we first got married because we lives so far from base that he wouldn't get home until eight or nine some nights. Thus our morning breakfast and coffee ritual. I do have to say though that it is much harder to do when it is 45minutes earlier than normal and when you are so hopped up on hormones you can't see straight. I can see an end coming to this morning ritual of ours :/

Okay, have any of you ever had a trigger shot? It is basically a shot of HCG that forces your body to ovulate. This is the second time I have had it but it was a different type that the one I got the first time around. The one I got on round 4 of Clomid the nurse put it my arm, not a good idea, my arm hurt for a week. Plus, I was allergic to the band aid she used and I still have a mark on my arm from it seven weeks later. No biggie, I just have a band aid shaped birth mark haha. Other than my arm hurting and the band aid mark I really didn't have any side effects. I wish I had written down the name of it. Anyway, The one from Wednesday has messed me up. The first thing that was hard is that I had to give it to myself. No big deal right? I have been giving myself shots everyday for the last three weeks. Nope, wrong! My Follistim needles are super small and go in super easy, it doesn't hurt at all. The HCG shot was a normal shot and it took me two tries to get it right, leaving two bruises on my already black and blue tummy. Yesterday was the fun part, exhaustion set in and my body freaked out. Keep in mind that until last cycle it hadn't ovulated in about a year or so. Last cycle there was only one mature follicle and two that weren't quite ready. This time around we had one fully mature follicle, 4 semi-mature follicles and 20-30 follicles that were around 4mm (mature is 18mm). Let me tell ya, its painful.

Today my goal is to make it through the day. I need to finish straitening up the house, there are two loads of laundry to be done, I have one side left of a duffel bag to finish, I need to mail that duffel bag out, hit the gym (just to ride the bike (:), then to the fabric store and possible to my husbands unit change of command. Not too bad for one day except it all has to be done by noon! Wish me luck and say a little prayer for me! Don't forget to let me know what your prayer requests are or share praise reports! I know this blog is all about me but I want to share in your joys and sorrows too!

Have a blessed day!
<3, Allie

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thursday 5

Happy Thursday!
It's been a great week so far!
Here are my five things for the week...

 I am so blessed! This week has been amazing! The most Memorable part of this week by far was all of my doctors appointments! My first one was on Monday and my hubby was able to come to that one! We got to see an ultrasound of our 20-30 follicles that we call "the football team"! Out of all 20-30 of them there was one that was a few mm bigger than the rest and four or five that we following close behind. The doctor determined that the one follicle still wasn't big enough for me to do a trigger shot. So, I went back on Tuesday. My hubby couldn't come so my friend Sammy stood in for him! Yet again, the follicle wasn't quite big enough! My Wednesday's appointment I had run out of people who were available to come with me and I went by myself! To my surprise my little star player was big enough! I did my trigger shot yesterday! 
This little Star Player is 18mm x 18mm. Which translates into being very small! A little smaller than a poppy seed!

 Okay, so two weeks ago my husband decided he was going to go on a juicing diet. Which he did, for three days... I am still making him a juice for breakfast and he takes a protein shake for lunch. I have been trying to make Healthy dinners at night too. The whole eating Healthy, not eating processed foods and eating less is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. From going to the farmers market over the weekend we have tons of fruits and veggies but all I want is peanut butter cups haha. 
I have to say that the two week waiting period I am currently stuck in is going to be Grand and I say that in the most sarcastic way ever. I know that I can't test too early because the trigger shot can give you a false positive but my doctor wanted me to wait 16 days from yesterday. So, 15 more days from today and it is killing me. I am not a patient person and after having to give myself a shot every night for the past three weeks I am just ready to know if it is going to work. I am also starting progesterone on Saturday which kinda worries me only because it will give me on the pregnancy symptoms. I have a feeling as soon as I start getting the symptoms I will get all excited and I just don't want my heart to be broken again :/ It will be pretty Impressive if I can wait the full 15 days from today without caving! 

Okay, off the infertility topic for a minute. How many of you listen to Air1, "The Positive Alternative"? It is a Christian radio station and it is amazing! Out here at Camp Pendleton we get 90.1 out of Riverside. A few weeks back I started following Air1SoCal on twitter and I saw someone post on there that they saw an awesome Air1 bumper sticker and Air1 said they would mail them one. I quickly jumped on the band wagon and asked if I could get one too! I got it in the mail this week and I was so excited! It turns out I am pretty Lucky because not only did I get two bumper stickers but we also got an extra little surprise, tickets to the Fair and to see Switchfoot! I am sooooo excited! We are going next Friday and I can't wait!
I hope you all had a fabulous week! Don't forget to link up over at Flip Flops and Combat Boots
<3, Allie

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunday Praise Report

A Life Courageous

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great week! I know I did! I spent the week catching up from a four day weekend and starting to get things ready for my in-laws visit at the end of the month! This weekend was also wonderful! We cleaned the garage and the cars on Saturday and today we spent the day with my parents! My little sister is really into horses so we spent some time at the stables! I got some great pictures! I will post them later this week! I also did two photo shoots on Saturday! It was so much fun! One was a maternity shoot and the other an engagement shoot! I have only edited the pictures from the maternity shoot so I will wait to share the others with you until they are edited! 

How was your week last week? Any answered prayers? Any prayer requests? 

I hope this next week goes well for all of you! I know I am ready to see my little football team (follicles) tomorrow! I am praying that there are two or three that are matured! After three weeks of injections I am ready to be done! 

<3, Allie

Saturday, June 2, 2012

It has been an interesting week to say the least! This is the third week of injections and thus far although I hate the injections I was digging not having awful side effects. However, this week it all caught up to me. Until this point I had just had bloating. Now, three weeks in I feel like I am out of control. On Thursday the sewing machine repair guy made me cry, Friday the embroidery customer service lady made me cry and my husband made me furious. What did my husband do exactly, nothing that stands out now. I am simply out of control. I apologize to my husband and he wants to know why I got so upset. All I can say, is I am sorry but I honestly don't know why I was upset.

Today my hubby decided we needed to do something super fun to take my mind off of my stomach feeling like someone kicked me and to keep me from feeling out of control. He started by letting me sleep in, then we went for coffee and to walk around the farmers market! We also got my car washed and waxed! Here are a few pictures from the farmers market!