Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Just for the Bloat of It...

Oh dear lord, it's here haha. Okay, so all you fertility treatment ladies know the retched side effects of fertility meds. Clomid and Provera are my least favorite combination but I didn't get too much bloating with those two. I had plenty of hormonal outbursts, hot flashes, night sweets, and exhaustion with those two though. Now I am on to Follistim. I can't say I like it because I have to give myself shots every night and really, who likes doing that? Not I. I also learned after putting band-aids over the area I gave my self the first few shots that I am allergic to band-aids. Awesome, right? Not! I look like I have some kind of skin disease. My stomach is bright red where all the band-aids were. I have tried rubbing alcohol to get the sticky part off and then realized that it isn't even sticky, its just red. Great! No bikini for me this weekend haha!

On the brighter side, I have less hormonal outbursts which I know my husband is thankful for! I don't cry all the time which is great. As far as making me hormonal it really only seems to make me angry faster than I normally would. Its more just being agitated than anything else. The only real side effect I have noticed is bloating. Which I guess is better than the side effects from Clomid and Provera but my goodness. It looks like I am already 3 months pregnant or I ate WAY too much for dinner. I don't know but it doesn't do a whole lot for my self-esteem. I  have been going to the gym daily and eating healthy so what gives right? I told my husband that there is nothing right about feeling fatter after you go to the gym than you did before.

I have been doing some research because I am fearful of Follistim causing over stimulation. It seems that the bloating is very common and it is just a sign that the meds are working. I go back to the doctor tomorrow afternoon for an ultrasound to see how many little follicles I have grown in the last week. The doctor says he expects to see between 1 & 3 so we shall see! We are headed out to Arizona right after my appointment! My dad lives right outside of Tucson! We are going to stop and stay at a really nice hotel on the way and finish the rest of the trip there on Friday. I will update you more about the trip later!

Just out of curiosity, how many of you are going through fertility treatments? If you are going through them what meds are you on? How long have you been ttc? Any vents or brags?

<3, Allie


  1. Provera and Clomid and I hate every minute of it. I can't control any aspect of myself when I'm on it. And it's lasts until the next round, I don't feel like I can catch a break.

    1. Did you hurt all the time with provera and clomid?

    2. I hated Clomid and Provera too. I did have cramping and actually most pregnancy symptoms with the combination of the two meds. It would make me excited and then I would realize nothing was happening. So frustrating. How many rounds have you done?

    3. I'm getting ready to start round three. Some of the things I think I'm just imagining, like being so dang hot and hurting all the time. It's amazing how a teeny tiny pill can do so much but so little at the same time...
